Question 1a and 1b Mock

Posted by Unknown on 17:45 in , ,

describe dhow your skills developed in digital technology over the whole course. Also evaluate how these skills contibuted to your creativity.
Throughout my time studying Media Studies at AS and A2 level, I have created multiple pieces of work, which consist of; a preliminary video, in which I had to film a person walking through the school, with concentration on continuity as they walked through the door, I had to use, long shots, establishing shots, close ups shot reverse shot along with a panning shot. My AS coursework piece was an opening 2minutes 30  seconds to a film, in which we had to come up with the narrative to the whole film and 2 minutes 30 seconds we were to film. I worked with my friend Damon, we created a movie introduction in which one of our characters was living a normal life as a business man, but becomes awware that people are attempting to assassinate him. We got inspiration from the narrative from The Some of All Fears, Mission Impossible and Die Hard 4.0.
At A2 level, I created multiple pieces of work, which cover, a preliminary music video, a music video as my main piece of coursework and as an ancillary piece, I created a Digipak and poster. My music video is a one location multi shot of the band performing in their studio. (WEEZER, Cadburys Gorilla Advert, Foo Fighters  the Pretender, etc)
Creativity is expressed better, when you are forced to do something, as creative actions are normally seen as weird, strange or not normal, this is why most people will restrict their creativity until they are told they have to do something, and to use their creativity, to carry out the task given to them. 
Digital Technologies that I used at AS level, to create my piece, include a range of different technologies such as; blogger, google, iMovie, the school’s eMac’s, Youtube and Macromedia Flash MX 2004. At A2 Level the range widens and my skills in them dramatically improve. I used Blogger, Sony Vegas Pro, Photoshop, Youtube, Google and 
I used google to aid me in my research and planning, I knew that google returns search results according to relevancy to the users search. So I made sure that I was very specific in what I was searching for.  This allowed me to creative through our my research and planning as I could search for what I wanted to and find more detailed results, nearly all of the time returning results with the correct information/information that I was looking for. which led me to more creative thinking for our narrative, as I found inspiration from my search results. When I used Google at A2 level, I was more aware of the features that I could use such as the advanced features, which allowed me to make more detailed searches as I could use the features which allowed me to include and exclude websites and keywords, as well as this I knew that Google returned results on relevancy, which allowed my searches to be even more detailed than they were at AS, allowing me to find what I was looking for in a much shorter amount of time, 
Blogger enabled me to post my notes, research and planning, ideas, and my final piece of coursework. It enabled me to interact and portray my ideas and my search to my group, as they can leave comments on my blog posts saying what they thought of my ideas and the same applies to me for when they posted on our blog. I embeded videos and URL’s to where my research and planning had been taking place, for example, I would talk about some ideas I had and put Youtube videos or 
I used the schools eMac’s at As, as they allowed me to tell a basic narrative, and allowed me to carry out the neceessary editing styles that I wanted to use on my work, such as jump cuts and and using quick edting (go on to compare vegas pro and my new requiremnts)
Talk compare how you developed lacks examples incldue more.
Analyse one of your media products in relation to media language.
At A2 i created a music video, which was a performance based one location, multiple shots video. 
The music video 
I will analyse my main piece of work that I produced during my A2 course. I made a video in a group with two other people, we made a music video, which was performance based and consisted of one location and multiple shots. The song we chose to produce a music video for was Linkin Park’s What I’ve Done. 
We decided that we wanted to amplify a couple of things, these included; Darren (the lead singer) singing the lyrics “What I’ve Done”, the energy and attitude with which the band played with. 

tonight revise media language


Nick. You need to work on your structure. You spend a little too long describing what you did. Your opening needs more punch, get straight into it e.g. "Over the course I have completed a short continuity exercise, an action film opening, rock music video to "What I've Done" by Linkin Park as well as accompanying digi pac and poster. Digital technology enabled me to not only discover the conventions of these genres but also faithfully recreate them. The initial continuity exercise required me to develop my skills in video editing, I used ...

Then obviously go on to mention creativity

What this also lacks is specific examples. I gave Emily Jones exactly the same advice I'm about to give you "I would recommend listing the things you made by genre (i.e. video and print) and then listing the skills required for each. Then highlight those skills which were used across all video tasks and think about specific examples of where that skill was used and why it improved."

Hopefully you can attend on Tuesday so we can go over some more tips.

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